Instructions for visitors
- Login and Account: if you already have an account you can access the portal through the Login form, or if you have never done access to the Portal you can create your account and then access.
- Registration for courses: if you are already enrolled in a course you will find it available in your navigation panel under "My courses", otherwise if you are interested to be enrolled in one or more courses of the portal you can contact School of Osteopathy CROMON srl using coordinates that are in the site Page "Contact" in the navigation panel and then you will be subscribed to the course required.
- Categories and Courses: each category is a macro area for the topic covered by courses. Each course consists of lessons and relative Intermediate Quiz that allow to verify the student's learning and access to the next lesson.
- Lessons and Intermediate Quiz: each Lesson can be followed several times without limitations and its Intermediate Quiz can be repeated up to a maximum of 2 times and will be considered the best score in order to be able to enhance learning of the topics covered. With the last Lesson and its Intermediate Quiz, you can access the Final Quiz Course. If the Intermediate Quiz fails with not enough score in least 1 of the 2 attempts permits you must contact the School of Osteopathy for more information.
- Final Quiz: Final Quiz Course consists of all questions pertaining to the lessons of the course. The Final Quiz can be approached 2 times and will be considered the best score. Every effort is limited by a set time based on the number of questions that compose it. The results will be available immediately after the conclusion.
Ultime modifiche: martedì, 4 aprile 2017, 17:42